[Solved] Newspaper by tagDiv is not working on Mobile Theme

Newspaper by tagDiv is #1 selling newspaper theme with the variety of features. This theme is suitable for magazine, news portal, woo commerce, review sites, blogging etc.

As in this website, I have installed Newspaper WordPress Theme by tagDiv. I suddenly got a problem as below:

The mobile theme path couldn’t be set. Please check if you already have another mobile theme plugin active and disable it (ex. Jetpack Mobile Theme or similar). If you use a cache plugin clear it before checking the results.

while testing whether my website is Mobile-Friendly or not. I suddenly got this error.

Newspaper by tagDiv Mobile Friendly error
Newspaper by tagDiv Mobile Friendly error

I try to debug the theme, I tried to Purge the Caches in my site but still couldn’t figure out the problem. Finally, I found the solution for this theme for Mobile Friendly


  1. Disabling Jetpack Plugin may solve your problem. This is due to conflict between this theme and Jetpack for Mobile Friendly Site.
  2. Secondly, I solve this Newspaper mobile theme path problem with simply by switching on/off button. For this, you need to go to Jetpack > Settings > Optimize your site for smartphones > OFF

After Doing this just clear your browser history or open incognito window so that you can re-check whether your theme will pass Mobile-Friendly Test or Not.

Newspaper by tagDiv Mobile-Friendly Test Pass
Newspaper by tagDiv Mobile-Friendly Test Pass

Note: Before debugging this error, you need to install td mobile plugin


I am obsessed with WordPress and write articles about WordPress Speed Optimization, SEO, and Blogging. I mostly publish tutorials on GeneratePress, Astra, Kadence, and GenerateBlocks.

16 thoughts on “[Solved] Newspaper by tagDiv is not working on Mobile Theme”

  1. There is issue with pages in my website. In desktop they are opening fine but in mobile pages loading empty, post are loading fine. What is the solution?

  2. Dear Sir,

    I was trying to solve this issues since 5 days, Today i solved this issue because i got this article related to my problem, Now my problem have been solved
    Because of you, thank you so much

  3. Hi i have a problem with newspaper mobile page. When I click create mobile page it seems to be good. But if I turn off “page under construction” plugin, and see on mobile, how does my page looks – everything is wrong. Where is the problem? Please help!

  4. 1.I have created a custom menu in newspaper theme and it is showing in all the screens except mobile screen, why? In mobile some default or old menu is showing i want to update it with new custom menu. How?

    2. tagdiv composer option is not showing in posts to edit but it is showing in pages. Why?


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