Looking to display related posts in GeneratePress theme? In this guide, we will cover all the things needed to display related posts. If you are using the GeneratePress theme in your blog then I think you have made a great decision.
Currently, I am using GeneratePress Premium Theme and I am super happy with the theme. Thanks to the team behind it.
With minimal features, GeneratePress is a fast-loading theme with plenty of features within the theme.

When installing the default GeneratePress theme, it has a size of less than 30 kb. That is why things are missing in the GP Theme.
If the theme owner includes all the stuff within the theme then it will get heavy. So with plugin or without a plugin, you can achieve anything you want on your website.
Also Try: Add Breadcrumbs in GeneratePress Theme
Ways to Display Related Posts in GeneratPress Theme
- Using related posts plugin available in WordPress.org directory.
- Using custom code in functions.php in Child Theme.
- With Code + Plugin Techniques.
In this related posts in the GeneratePress Theme article, we are going to use 3rd steps to achieve related posts below the single article.
I have personally used this method in my blog to show related posts. You can find it after the content in a single post.

Also Read: Remove URL from Author Name in GeneratePress
Note: Now, you can migrate your related posts from WP Show Posts to Generateblocks using this tutorial
Steps to Display Related Posts in GeneratePress Theme
To show related posts in GeneratePress Theme, I have used the WP Show Posts Plugin and Elements Modules from the theme. Let’s dive into the details.
- Install the WP Show Posts Plugin.
- Activate Elements Module.
- Style Related Posts.
- Open Related Posts in New Tab.
1. Using the WP Show Posts Plugin
Tom Usborne, the person behind the GeneratePress Theme, develops the WP Show Posts plugin. Without compromising the website page speed I can use this plugin.

So, let’s begin
Install the WP Show Posts plugin.
Go to the WP Show Posts in the sidebar and Click on Add New.
Name the new list as related.
As in the screenshot below.
Go to Posts Section > Post type as a post. Taxonomy as a category. Post per page as 3. Remember your Shortcode Post ID. Post ID is needed in step 4.

Go to Columns section > Columns as 3. Columns gutter as 2em.

Go to the Images section > Check the Images. Mention the Image width (px) and Image height (px) with 211 and 150 respectively. Image alignment as Center. Image Location as Above title.

Next, go to Content section > Content type as None. Excerpt length (words) as 30. Check Include title. Title Elements as p. Leave all others blank.

Go to the Meta section> Uncheck all settings.

Go to More settings > Check Exclude current and Ignore sticky posts and leave all the settings as it is.

2. Using the Elements Module in GeneratePress
Now, let’s start our second step to display related posts in GeneratePress Premium theme.
Activate the Elements Module. Go to Appearance > GeneratePress > Elements > Activate
Go to Appearance > Elements > Add New
Choose Element Type as Hook. Name it a Related Post.
Paste the following related postcode in the Hook.
<div class="wpsp-related-posts1 grid-container">
<h2>Related Posts</h2>
if ( is_single() ) {
$cats = get_the_category();
$cat = $cats[0];
} else {
$cat = get_category( get_query_var( 'cat' ) );
$cat_slug = $cat->slug;
$list = get_page_by_title( 'related', 'OBJECT', 'wp_show_posts' );
wpsp_display( $list->ID, 'tax_term="' . $cat_slug . '"' );
Check Out: GeneratePress Review
Use this code only if you need to show related posts by Tags
<div class="wpsp-related-posts1 grid-container">
<h2>Related Posts</h2>
if ( is_single() ) {
$tags = get_the_tags();
$tags_list = [];
foreach ($tags as $tag)
$tags_list[] = $tag->slug;
$tag_string = implode( ', ', $tags_list);
} else {
$tag_string = get_tag( get_query_var( 'tag' ) );
$list = get_page_by_title( 'related', 'OBJECT', 'wp_show_posts' );
wpsp_display( $list->ID, 'tax_term="' . $tag_string . '"' );
Go to the Hook Settings and choose the hook to display after_content and check Execute PHP.

Go to the Display Rules select Location as All Singular and Exclude all the Pages

Hit the Publish button.
3. Styling Related Posts
Now, it’s time to style the related posts using CSS.
Go to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS
Paste the following code in the Additional CSS section. You can tweak the style according to your needs.
.wpsp-related-posts1 {
background-color: #fff;
padding: 24px 20px 10px 20px;
margin-top: 10px;
-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
box-sizing: border-box;
box-shadow: rgba(23, 43, 99, .14) 0 7px 28px !important;
If you want to show the related posts in a number list (not thumbnail-related posts) then you simply have to adjust some settings as mentioned below from the above WP Show Posts plugin settings and use the CSS code.
Go to Posts Section > Posts per page as 5 or 10 (as you wish)
Go to Columns section > Columns as 1
Uncheck the Images option from the Images menu.
Note: You need to remember your wp show posts shortcode ID as mentioned on the screenshot above and change the shortcode post ID in the below CSS code. Here I have #wpsp-2938 shortcode post ID in the CSS code, please change it and see the result.
.wpsp-related-posts1 {
background-color: #fff;
padding: 15px 20px 50px 20px;
margin-top: 20px;
-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
box-sizing: border-box;
box-shadow: rgba(23, 43, 99, .14) 0 7px 28px !important;
counter-reset: wplogout-list;
#wpsp-2938 p{
counter-increment: wplogout-list;
margin-bottom: -25px;
#wpsp-2938 p:before {
content: counter(wplogout-list) ". ";
color: #1b78e2;
Result for the related post by list

4. Open Related Posts in New Tab
Let’s open each WordPress post in the new tab. (This is an optional part)
With this JavaScript code, you can open each post on the blank page.
As mentioned above go to Appearance > Elements > Add New
Choose Element Type as Hook. Name it as Open Related Post in New Tab.
Paste the new tab JavaScript Code.
$( document ).on( 'click', '#wpsp-2938 a', function(e) {
var url = $(this).attr('href');
window.open(url, '_blank');
Note: In the above code, at #wpsp-2938, please paste the shortcode post id generated by WP Show Posts Plugin while creating a New List in step 1.
Go to the Hook Settings and choose the hook to display in wp_footer and leave all other settings blank.

Go to the Display Rules and select Location as All Singular and Exclude all the Pages.

Hit the Publish button.
Also Try: How to Host Google Fonts Locally in WordPress?
I hope this Display Related Posts in GeneratePress Theme article helps you to achieve your goal of showing related posts in a single post.
If you are searching for more GP-related tutorials then you can check the GeneratePress Category for more
If you have any other techniques or any problems please feel free to comment.
Not working
when I tried this
It is showing this message
Thank You, Rajesh for the comment.
Can you please follow the procedure step by step again.
I think it will help you to show related posts in GeneratePress.
If you can’t do it again then you can email me.
i do all of the stepes and get this code
slug; $list = get_page_by_title( ‘related’, ‘OBJECT’, ‘wp_show_posts’ ); wpsp_display( $list->ID, ‘tax_term=”‘ . $cat_slug . ‘”‘ ); ?>
in repleted post area under post
Hi Alim,
I think you forget to check Execute PHP in Hook Settings.
Please try it again. The code is working perfectly.
thank you to reply but i heck Execute PHP in Hook and do all of stab but get the error
Hi Alim, I again checked my code for you and It’s working for me and others too. You are clearly missing something.
Please try it again and if you can’t solve then email me.
Thank you it’s works for me.
Welcome Priant, Glad it’s working for you.
Hi priant, it is not working for me. Can you tell your website name? I want to check.
Thank you so much, Bhai for sharing this.
This is an excellent and easily understandable method. I implemented it. And it is working.
I am glad it’s working. Happy to help.
Works perfectly fine. Great content on your website. Well done!
Thank You, Varun 🙂
Hi Suraj,
I used your code and followed your code but it also shows the text snippet below my Related posts. I don’t want to show that and only want the Headers. Same like your site. How can I make that change?
Hi Varun, Can you share your screenshot?
I think you have missed something while following the tutorial. I have checked this guide again and it’s working perfectly fine over here.
Hi Suraj, I checked again all the steps and its the same given above. But the posts still shows the text snippet. See attached screenshot pls. – ibb.co/P1n8Zfs
Thanks for all your help buddy.
Go to WP Show Posts > Your Related File > Content > Content Type > None
Its fixed now. Thanks a million! You are the best.
One more help – How do you have Featured Posts in Bold letters and how to make it sticky?
For Bold, you can use font-weight CSS and for sticky widget please follow my last sticky widget tutorial
Hi Suraj,
I got this working but I want to show related posts by tag instead of category. Is there a way to adjust the code to do this?
Hi Sam, You can show a related post by Tag. Go to your related posts settings in WP Show Posts > Posts > Taxonomy > Choose post_tag > Choose the selected tags and I have added the code above in the tutorial. Please check. Thank You.
Hi Suraj,
I tried adding the code but its not working. When I check the post it just shows the code instead of the related posts.
Also, you say to “Choose the selected tags ” but I want it so it shows related posts with the same tag as the post its on.. so it is dynamic, like it does with the categories code.
is it possible?
Hi, Can you please give it a try? I have tested and updated the tags code above. It should work fine. If it isn’t working, let me know.
Thank You
Yes, it’s working now.
That’s great Sam, Have fun!
Thank you, it’s working for me
Happy to Help, Makaryo 👍
Hey, Suraj!
Thanks for the tutorial. I was wondering if it’s possible to make it so that if there are no related posts to show (I’m using tags), instead of showing the message “sorry, no posts to show,” it would then show posts on the same category.
So instead of using tags to show related posts, it would switch to category if there are no other posts with that same tag.
Hey David, I got a code from the GeneratePress Support forum. I haven’t tested it. Get the code
Hi Suraj
Great work here!
One thing I encountered was that, when using sub-categories, the code doesn’t reference the parent category if there are no other posts in that sub-category.
Is there a way to modify it so that, if it doesn’t find any “related posts” it serves up any three posts from the website? I am using it more as “you may also like” rather than related posts to try to increase time to on site.
I haven’t tried that but I will soon let you know after trying it.
Thanks, Mac for the comment
The only way is using a plugin?
Nope, you can show related posts without a plugin
Hi Suraj,
Great Post. I just installed the GeneratePress theme and was looking for the solution to show Related posts.
One quick question: which plugin do you use to show related posts in the form of “Also Try” and “Also Read” within the content?
Hi Rinkesh,
I am not using any plugin. Hence, I am manually inserting the post link within the content.
Thanks for such a quick response. 🙂
This is simply grate. I never thought it will be so easy.
Thanks for sharing.
Bookmarked !!!!
Hi, How can I make a sidebar like your blog? I tried inspecting the CSS code and I was unsuccessful.
Hi Vijay, you can check this post ==> How to Display Featured Posts in GeneratePress Sidebar?
Hey Suraj
You’re best, you made my day ))
I’ve tried and both methods work for me.
I just want to ask, is there any way to modify “related posts by Tags” to show when 2 or more tags will match?
Thanks again! ))
Hi Peter, Related post is a complicated thing to do. So I think for advanced settings like this, you need to use a plugin.
Thanks for explaining ))
Works great, thank you for a clear explanation. How can I make it show only three posts at a time? It currently makes a huge list of all the posts I have in that category.
Hi Joey, you can set posts per page to 3 in WP Show Posts.
Thank You
Is it possible that when the user clicks on a related post, it opens on the same page and not on a different page?
Yes, just skip step 4: Open Related Posts in New Tab and it will open in same tab.
Have WP Show Posts. My question is if you can get the latest post in Widget. My blog page shows latest posts. I have a static page and I wonder if I can in any way get the latest posts on this page with WP Show Posts.
Hi Sven, Static page means like a homepage?
You get shortcodes while creating New List using WP Show Posts and on a static page, you can use Custom HTML block and paste the shortcode.
Hello sir
I am Ankit Yadav from India,
I put the code of the display related post in my blog but the code is not working and the wordpress debugging error is coming up, how will Solve.
Hi Ankit, I think you missed some steps. Please follow step by step process again and let me know the exact problem with screenshots.
Hey hi,
I used that above plugin and everything went right till end. But tell me process after it.
Like where to and how to use that shortcode.
As, after using the plugin their is no reflections of related posts onto my website.
Please guide me!
Hi Yash, Did you follow the tutorial? The related post is displayed just after the content. You can use shortcodes anywhere just like in the middle of the post, on the page.
.page-numbers {
padding: 4px 6px;
background-color: #187cd6;
border-radius: 5px;
color: #fff!important;
border: 2px solid #187cd6;
margin-right: .25em;
box-shadow: rgba(23,43,99,.4) 0 7px 28px!important;
This is CSS code for customize your pagnination like wp logout
Hello thanks for the tutorial, it worked fine. Please i will like to display it only on desktop view, how can i do that.
Hi Chris, you can use media query to display it only desktop.
Or you can use the Widget Options plugin too.
How can i also align the ‘Related Post’ title to center
You can use text-align: center CSS code to the respective class.
Very simple. It works great. Under 30 minutes I was able to add a related post. Thank you
I am glad, you found the solution for related posts.
worked well, thanks for sharing this post
Happy to see it’s working for you!!!
not working. check the screenshot imgur.com/QjAoqfc
Please, check the steps again, it should work.
Amazing Man, your solution is working great.
Great, it’s working for you!!!
Hey, I want to show related posts randomly not by category or tag.
How to do that?
Hi Shivam, Try not to use any Taxonomy at WP Show Posts, and at More Settings, you can set Order by: Random
That’s giving the same result.
I think the code needs to change, the $cat variable
I am asking this because related posts show nothing in case when there is only 1 post in a category or tag.
The procedure did not work for me. Seems to me there is a problem with the first code.
I get a prompt to debug my WP after adding the code.
The code is working perfectly since I am using the same code in my blog too. There are two codes i.e. for categories and tags so, use only one code and follow each step.
Thank you, It worked
Enjoy Brother 🙂
Hi Suraj!
Thanks alot for the time you put into this.
Ive followed all the steps and it works fine however i get “no related post” on the index page for some reason with no content under it.
Even thou i have excluded all pages.
Its not visible on other pages i should mention. Any idea why?
Hi Max, Are you selecting Posts> All Posts in Display Rules? Please Check it Once and let me know again.
Hi Suraj, Thanks for response.
on both hooks relateda and open related posts i have the following setup on the rules tab of the hook.
Place: All singular
Exclude: Page – All Pages
If you are looking to display it in homepage then you can use shortcodes issued by WP Show Posts.
Hi! It appears on index and i don’t want it there 🙂
So only on posts.
Example: ekonomitips.nu (check at the end at index)
It works properly on post.
It works properly on all pages except index (properly: not showing)
You can use Posts > All Posts rather than All singular. If still you face the same problem then email me.
Hey, Suraj
Thanks for this article its really helpful. Can you please tell me how can I add popular post list in generatpress without plugin.
Hi Sourav, Soon I may create a post on it. Thanks
Thanks, Buddy I appreciate your help
Thanks again, bro. The related post is working fine.
I recommend to change two things:
1. Change columns gutter to 1em (This will remove the extra white space between related post items and it will look more user-friendly).
2. Set image size as your original featured image size i.e 640*380 (This will show uncut & full-featured image, even in the mobile version).
Change these two things and thank me later 😉
Hi Rohit,
Thank You for your feedback!
This worked well. How do I move the recent posts under the author box and before the comments?
Hi Michelle, You can set priority for them which is available in hook settings.
Thank you!
I set the priority to a higher number. I tried 9, 20, 50, and 99. None of these moved the recent posts under the author box. It instead placed the recent posts in the middle of the author box. I then tried lowering the priority of the author box, to no avail. Also, I can’t seem to make only the title show. I set the content to “none” and the exerpt to 0 with title checked. I am struggling to make it as I want.
It says “Sorry, no posts were found”. Why are no posts found if I have categories enabled on related posts?
I am getting the response “so no posts were found”
Please check your category settings or maybe you haven’t any post in that category.
How to hide related posts in some pages because all these posts appear in the pages.
Hi Manish,
You can exclude certain pages from the Display Rules available in the Element section.
whenever I use your code. my website convert into mobile view why////
Hi Aakash,
I think you are missing some steps. I have been using the same code for a long time. Please carefully try once again.
How can I do the same for Pages? Not post category or tag related? Just Pages…
Thanks man!
PS: you’re the best!
Hi Suraj! How do you make this things
Anyway thanks for your good blog
Thanks for sharing your tip.
I’d like to use bullet points for the list of the related posts (I don’t use images).
Where I can change your code (and how) to do it?
Firstly thanks for sharing..
I have two question/problem..
1) How to separate the section as on your post “Related post and admin bio both section is separate from post.. how to do it ?
2) My related post worked well but don’t show up when i logout from my WordPress site.. But when i login and browse those post i see the related post is visible. how to make it available for user?
Thanks again
Hi Lazaro,
1. I don’t have background so it seems to be outside but also you can play with hook elements.
2. I think you are missing something in related posts. I am using the same code and it’s working fine at my end. Please again check the code and settings.
Hi Suraj, How to control the number of posts in the related post section? I want to show only 9 related posts, how can I do that?
*maximum 9 posts
Hi Pintu,
There is an option in the WP Show Posts plugin. Please check on Posts > Posts per page and limit the numbers
Working but title text is above the image, also the image is smaller and cropped. It looks nothing like yours. Please guide.
Hi Sumit,
Just check your setting in WP Show Posts Plugin.
Suraj, I have been using a simpler solution but also with wp show post and hooks. I noticed that among the recommended articles the same article you just read (as a visitor of my page) can also be recommended. How would i go about configuring the code so it won´t show the current article, where the recommended list is shown
Here my simpler version:
You may also like
[wp_show_posts name=”recommended”]
Hi Dear
I tried the elements, but it shows the message
Oops! That page can’t be found.
It looks like nothing was found at this location. Maybe try searching?
Where is the problem, please?
Hi Ayusy,
Without a look at the site, I can’t tell you where the problem is.
I hope you are going to fix it soon.
It’s showing the same posts under each article. how can I randomize it or show different under different articles?
Hi Qasim,
There is an option on WP Show Posts plugin to randomize it.
I tried your methode and evrything works like a charme. Many thanks
Impressive! Thank you very much! By the way, do you know how I could show random entries of the category?
Hi Adrián,
There is an option inside WP Show Posts, Please check More Settings.
It’s true! I hadn’t seen it. Many thanks!
Your blog has helped me a lot!
can I exclude so that the posts of a category do not appear in the results?
Thank you so much
Hi Astur,
I think you can do it from WP Show Posts > More Settings, there is an option to exclude posts using Post IDs.
How can I do this with pages? I want to show related posts and pages as well…
Hi Amit,
I think there is an option for Page too in WP Show Posts, Please check and try it.
Hi, Suraj
By following your steps, I can see the related posts, but the home page breaks.
The home page now looks like on a tablet and this message appears: ‘There has been a critical error on this website’.
In addition, the Related post element appears at the bottom of the home page when it shouldn’t.
What can it be?
Hi Jose,
I am using the same method for related posts.
Please exclude your home from WP Show Posts and check it. I think it will work.
Home page is excluded and it’s failing!!
This method theres a better method of using WP Show Posts to display posts within the same category – see here:
Hi Suraj,
thank you for offering in-depth help for a much-needed solution, much appreciated! I made everything work, but I’m wondering how I could combine your (otherwise separate) code snippets in order to display a mix of related-category AND related-tag posts in the same list/cluster? My reason is that in some cases, my posts are not tagged and the (currently separate) “related”- list would then display “nothing found” across all those posts. Another option might be to hide that entire list all-together? How would I do that? 🙁
Hi Suraj Katwal sir,
I am Generatepress premium user and I am reading all of your Generatepress related posts. Your all post are ultimate and unique. I am big fan of your content. Sir please write a post or share a link of post where you have shown how you have designed sticky sidebar on your site in generatepress.
Hi Puruji,
Thank you for the comment.
Here you can check the tutorial to create last widget sticky
Thank you very much for your excellent code to display related posts.
Could you please suggest a code to display in CPT?
Totally Confused, I followed Every step
Hi Aru,
In which step did you get confused?
You’re my hero today! I’ve adjusted everything! Thanks a million!
Super! It works great, thanks
Hey, Do u have a video documentation for this. Advance thanks
Hi Munna,
I haven’t a video for this, will soon create it.
Not working bro
Hi Jabir,
I am using the same code, Please try again without missing the steps.
Post per page as 3. Remember your Shortcode Post Id. Post ID is needed in
step 4.
Not missing code Shortcode
Not working not missing
Not show related posts ?
Not working bro
Not missing code Shortcode?
Hello, there!
I want to display 3 previous and 3 next posts from the category/subcategory of the post itself. Let’s say I publish lessons on my site. On the post page where my 10th lesson is published, I want to display the 9th, 8th, 7th lessons under the “previous posts” title and also display the 11th, 12th, 13th lessons under the title “next posts” title.
In short, do you have any code to do something as I described with WP Show Posts plugin.
It’s working for me. Thank you very much!
Not working in the latest updated version 2.1.1. It was working in the previous version.
Hi Maima,
I am using the same method and it’s still working.
Can you please again try without missing any steps?
Hello, Suraj
I have tried it and it works perfect, but wouldn’t you know how to limit the length in characters or words of the displayed titles.
Hi Suraj,
Thank you for offering in-depth help for a much-needed solution, much appreciated!
I use Elements Module in GeneratePress to display related posts. Everything works like a charm.
I’m wondering how I could display latest related posts. Currently, I see a random selection of related posts, a mix of latest and old posts.
Many thanks
Hi Alexandre,
I think there is an option to sort by date.
Hi Suraj,
Thank you for the answer. Can you tell me please where I can find this option ? In Appearence > Elements ?
You are using WP Show Posts for related posts so check in that plugin.
No, I don’t. I use Elements module in GeneratePress to for related posts.
I followed your tutorial described here https://www.wplogout.com/display-related-posts-in-generatepress-theme/#2_Using_Elements_Module_in_GeneratePress
I suppose that if you created the function that allows to show related post you know how to order the related post by date
Thank you
Hi Alexandre,
Elements Module is the 2nd step. First, follow step 1.
How to do same on sociallyviral theme ?
Hi Hemant,
I haven’t used this theme. Please test it yourself using this tutorial and let me know.
Good afternoon, can you help me? I wanted the related posts to appear only publications of the publication category, is it possible? In this way, the related post appears in the article of all categories, I would like that, for example, if I am in a card article in the related post, I would like it to appear only articles from the card category and not an article from the finance category, for example.
Hi Thalles,
You can use Generateblocks but need a bit of work.
It’s work, but image not displayed? help me
And where I can the paste or use wp show post id?
Hi Saka,
GeneratePress has merged WP Show Posts with Generateblocks. It’s best to use it.
I’ve done it successfully, but I want use this in sidebar too as a widget random post?
Please tell how. Big thanks
Hi Bro,
I’ve done all the steps. I am getting an error showing “Sorry, no posts were found.”
Please help. My website name (if you want to check): sooryatej (.) com
That’s because you don’t have any other posts in the same category.
Hi Suraj,
Thanks for this article, very clear instruction and works really well. Just one thing I try to figure out but no luck so far, could you please help?
The Related Post section is very close to the post content – like there is no margin/gap between them. How to increase the top margin of the WP Show Post part so it gives more space?
Thanks in advance!
Hi David,
Use Migrating Related Posts from WP Show Posts on Generateblocks Method. It’s more efficient and easy to manage.
this script is not working on my site:
#wpsp-2938 p{
counter-increment: wplogout-list;
margin-bottom: -25px;
#wpsp-2938 p:before {
content: counter(wplogout-list) “. “;
color: #1b78e2;
#Note: i have been change ID to my own.
Hi I’m currently facing an issue while applying the 2nd method. It says that Unable to execute PHP as DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT is defined. how can I fix this?
I followed your Step exactly,but not working for me. Please any help ?
describe your issue?
Please 🥺
$list = get_page_by_title
this thing is deprecated in the latest WordPress version.
Can you give any alternative to this?
Hi Rajkumar,
Please use Generateblocks Pro to get related posts features. I think I have one tutorial regarding it or check official website for tutorial.
The problem is that you cannot download WP Show Posts anymore since Generatepress bundled this plugin into their Pro Package.
I want to use functions to show related posts until I upgrade my theme. Can you discuss using custom code to make this work?
More plugins means more requests and slower page loading speeds. For example, look how this post needs related posts underneath the blog post:
Please update this article to include related posts without using plugins.
Hi Expatkings,
You can use other related posts plugin.